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How to wash your tights?

During the colder months, your tights are sure to be a wardrobe staple. That’s why you’ll want to wash tights properly to ensure that they last as long as possible, and to keep them in perfect condition. While washing your clothes is straightforward enough most of the time, there are certain articles of clothing that pose serious conundrums, like washing your tights in a washing machine. We highly recommend that you hand wash tights, which might seem like quite a daunting process but it’s totally worth it to help your tights last longer.

We also recommend you DON’T wash tights after every wear. Instead, you can wash sheer tights once every two wears, and thicker tights after every three wears. It’s also safe to hand wash several pairs of tights together and at the same time. As usual, just be gentle and wash similar colors together.

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As when always manipulating your tights, remove any jewelry and make sure your nails are well maintained to avoid creating any snags or rips.

Step 1: Use mild detergent and lukewarm water

Fill a sink with lukewarm water and add half a cup of mild laundry detergent to wash your tights. You can look for detergent specially made for delicate clothes. Make sure you use lukewarm water, as hot water can actually reduce the elasticity of your tights and affect their fit.

Step 2: Turn your tights inside out

Just like you would your jeans, turn your tights inside out to prevent lint buildup. Avoid any rubbing and pulling, and just gently scrub the areas that are most prone to bacteria like the feet and crotch area. Let your tights soak for about 10 minutes or so.

Step 3: Rinse tights in sugar water

Rinse well, running room temperature water over the item until the rinse water is no longer soapy. Do not wring. Instead, press the delicate items against the sink or basin to remove the water.  You can also rinse them in sugar water to further help them last longer.

Step 4: Dry with towels

After washing, lay the hosiery on a clean towel. Roll up the towel and then push down on it so that the towel absorbs the moisture from the hosiery. Get another clean towel and lay your hosiery out flat on it. Leave the hosiery on the towel and give it some time to air dry. Check the hosiery after an hour or so. Put it away once it’s completely dry.

Whatever you do, do not put your tights in the dryer. 

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